Who is the friend you have from college that is willing drive across Texas to come see you? I have one…and just one: Heidi.
Who knitted a neck scarf in “breast cancer pink” for me after my sister succumbed to this awful disease? Heidi
Who sent me an alternative song-of-the-day to my email for oh, I don’t know how many years? Heidi
Who meets you at the airport with a chilled water bottle at pickup? Heidi
Who will rock with you at Metallica or chill with you at Jason Mraz? Heidi

Who will drive 2+ hours to Bastrop and visit for an afternoon when I’m *nearby* visiting my Mom? Heidi
Who can pack for a 3 day weekend in a backpack AND have everything she needs? Heidi
Who puts everyone else’s comfort above her own? Heidi
Who will kayak with me for hours in Belize, but run for shore when the “big swirl with tentacles” surfaces? Heidi

Who will buy a house so her Mom has a place to be? Heidi
Who will counsel you on life’s big and not-so-big questions? Heidi
Who will send you postcards from every vacation with something of your interest? Heidi
Who will remember not only your birthday, but your anniversary, every year? Heidi
Who will send you flowers on your deceased sister’s leap year birthday? Heidi
Who will send you podcasts and articles on smart topics of mutual interests? Heidi
Who will see you in your lowest form and love you anyway… but, not tell you in words? Heidi

Who brings granola bites and salad greens when she visits? Heidi
Who can inspire you with her non-materialism? Heidi
Who believes she can save the planet by eating vegan? Heidi
Who can blend in with any friend group for any activity? Heidi

Who can tell your story better than you can and bring you to tears doing so? Heidi
Who will mark your vacations on HER calendar and wish you a safe and happy trip even after you forgot you told her about it? Heidi
Who will take you to see David Sedaris on SMU campus and be willing to go for ice cream afterwards? Heidi

Who will put you up in a fancy hotel room since “she invited you” to an event? Heidi
Who will drop everything on a Saturday, find a fax machine and put you up for the night on zero notice in order to save your annual beach vacation? Again, Heidi
Heidi is a friend like no other. She sees you, your good and bad and accepts you in spite of it all. She comes to you with questions and makes you believe you have somehow helped her, while she was gently asking for your own benefit. She shares her knowledge and resources and has the widest friend network of anyone I know. It’s no wonder why! She is genuine and honest. I thank my lucky stars that we got to be friends our freshman year of college at Angelo State, 2nd floor of the Women’s highrise. (RIP highrise) We weren’t roommates or even suitemates but, we have become mates for life. That’s a claim you can make after 30+ years! She knows my history, she will eat my food and can 3rd wheel it better than anyone. From INXS to Volbeat; Ron White to PINK; yoga to hiking; and any and all things in between…when you have a Heidi, you will never ever face life alone.