Father’s Day!

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My Dad is absolutely the most optimistic person I have ever met.  It is an adventure to simply be in his presence.  I have been told I have his smile, and maybe I do.  But, more likely, I think I have his inherent enthusiasm for life.  I would normally say “joie de vivre”, but he’s not French (neither am I) and he doesn’t go much for fancy talking.  When I say he is optimistic and enthusiastic, I mean he absolutely expects the best possible outcome from any situation.  This is a wonderful gift.  With this knowing, the outcome may or may not be what you are hoping for, but there is a deep trust that the Universe is in control and things are as they should be.  He’s a terrible planner.  Wait, maybe he’s a fantastic planner.  He’s a “planner” – but, you have to know that “the plan” will be changed numerous times.  Details, phone calls, what if’s and everything affecting “the plan”.  Maybe that makes him a really great planner?  I don’t know.  I have very rarely heard him speak badly of anyone.  If he did, I can guarantee he or she really did do something to warrant his comment.  He loves a good joke and can call up a dozen that apply to any given situation.  He loves to laugh and he laughs with his whole face.  His eyes light up, his mouth opens and out comes a sound of pure joy.  I love to make my Dad laugh and he always laughs at my jokes, no matter how corny.  Just as I have at his over my entire life.  He has amazingly good luck.  I believe this comes from the previously described expectation of goodness.  When you are throwing around that much positive energy, a lot of it circles back to you.  He looks for the good in people and  when he witnesses otherwise, tends to forget.  Seriously!  He just doesn’t quite remember most “bad” things that happen, especially if some time has passed.  We can talk about old ski trips and any sort of fun we have had but, the negative stuff is mostly just filtered out along the way.  It’s really a great way to live your life.  He’s generous, caring and smart (although he might disagree).  If you have been a friend of my Dad’s for a while, he’s going to remember your birthday and call you on that day to wish you a Happy Birthday.  If he loves you, he will sing.  His life has not been without some pain.  He lost his own Dad when he was in his early 30’s and a daughter, my older sister, almost 5 years ago.  But, he’s one of those people that make you think “Nothing bad has ever happened to this person” because that’s exactly what he projects.  I love him and so do a whole lot of others.  I just got really lucky in the Dad Department.  xo


6 thoughts on “Father’s Day!

  1. Martha Beene says:

    Dee, I love this!! It’s such a perfect description of my little brother and I have tears rolling out of my eyes right now. Just laid down on ice packs after being to the chiropractor and have lots of good memories of him giving the perfect adjustments. I don’t always understand his and Bekky’s wondering ways but it sure makes the time we are lucky enough to get to be with them all the more special. I love him as much as you do and have always admired his charisma and personality. I love you too, you’re a lot like him 🙂

  2. Lisa says:

    I love you Dee! This was absolutely beautiful – as beautiful as you are! Your Dad is just as lucky as you! Happy Father’s Day to this great guy! Now..how do we go about getting a Daughter’s Day on the card calendar?

  3. Michelle Witzel says:

    How wonderful and awesome this is, he is, and you are! I feel so blessed to have him as a 2nd dad. He taught me MUCH in life and I will be forever grateful for him and your whole family…my family! 🙂 Love you all!!

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