Razzle Dazzle

I gave up soda years ago.  Caffeine makes me jumpy.  Yet, who doesn’t *want* a little something tasty to sip in the afternoon?  My solution:  I came with up something delicious and refreshing out of fresh, healthful ingredients so I didn’t want or miss the sugar/acidic/bad-for-you gunk I used to drink before I gave a rip about my health.  You can make this in less than 3 minutes.  Try it!!

photo 1 (16)

1 fresh lemon

1 fresh lime

2 fresh clementines (like Cuties or whatever is in season).

photo 2 (17)

Cut citrus fruits in half and squeeze into a quart jar. photo 3 (12)photo 4 (9)

Fill with fresh, filtered water.  If you prefer a sweetened drink, add stevia or raw sugar to taste.  Drink over ice or at room temp.  Completely lovely.  Even lovelier if you have a sprig of fresh mint.photo (6)

NOTE:  I did not come up with the name for this.  That honor goes to a dear friend of mine.  Her son had moved home for a time and she made this for him.  When he’d ask for it, he’d say “Mom, could we make some Razzle Dazzle?”  Thank you, Jonas.  I believe we can!


4 thoughts on “Razzle Dazzle

  1. Sandra says:

    I like! Drinking it hot. I don’t have one, but I think this would be great for a sore throat, plus all that vitamin C. Has to be a bonus. Thanks for sharing.

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